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The Power of Praise


Find the Good in Every Horse by Kim Roe   I began taking piano lessons in my 40’s along with my young daughter. It was a mother-daughter activity that we could do together, and it was a bonus for both of us that it had nothing to do with horses …

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The Trainable Horse

What Makes a Horse Easy to Train? by Kim Roe   Put a group of horse people together and the talk turns to horses. We grumble about our training difficulties and rejoice in the successes. Easy horses make us feel like great trainers and the hard ones teach us lessons. …

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Try, Try Again

Living Up to Our Potential by Kim Roe   My horse, Exodus, is a Lusitano. A Portuguese horse, he is bred for ranch work, dressage, and bullfighting. I do dressage with him, some working equitation, and also hope that he will be a good and safe trail horse someday. The …

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Bernice Ende, Lady Long Rider


12 Years out Riding by Kim Roe   It was a rainy morning when I drove to interview Bernice Ende, known as the Lady Long Rider. On my way, I thought of only one question: Why? What would motivate a woman to leave the safety and comfort of home and …

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The Sport of Working Equitation – Part 4

Working Equitation

The Speed and Cattle Phase by Kim Roe   The goal of working equitation is to highlight the qualities of a horse that is going to be useful on the ranch. The first two trials are dressage and ease of handling, and judges test the accuracy, suppleness, fluidity of movement, …

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The Sport of Working Equitation – Part 3


The Ease of Handling Trial by Kim Roe Last month we covered the dressage phase of working equitation, now we explore phase 2: the “ease of handling” trial. This trial involves a course of 8 – 15 obstacles ridden slowly and precisely, like dressage through obstacles. The objective of this …

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The Sport of Working Equitation – Part 2

The Dressage Phase by Kim Roe As a dressage trainer and rider, I became interested in the discipline of working equitation because it includes a dressage phase. I appreciate the harmony between horse and rider that is developed in dressage, and the way that good dressage work can transform almost …

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The Sport of Working Equitation – Part 1

Engage Your Dressage Horse with an Exciting New Discipline by Kim Roe   Most horses, like most people, need a job that has a clear beginning and a clear end. This clarity brings the horse mentally and physically into the game we are playing and includes sports such as cutting, …

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

September 2014

Realities of Life as a Horse Trainer by Kim Roe   I got my first horse training job when I was 12 years old. A neighbor had purchased a pony for his children and it kept bucking the kids off, so he gave me $25.00 to ride the pony for …

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What Every Horseman Needs to Know

Guidelines for Good Training by Kim Roe   Over my career as a horse trainer, I’ve developed a horseman’s protocol or “code” for good training. I keep these priorities in mind whenever I’m working with a horse, and teach my students to do the same. These are not so much training …

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