Trainer’s Corner: Seeking Unity

seeking unity
By Kim Roe

Step One: Say Hello “We are taught to watch or feel for external changes in the horses we work with but pay little attention to the internal changes. Even when we do look for internal changes in the horse, we often are paying little attention to what is going on …

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Have Horse, Will Travel

Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Horse to an Event The competition season is in full swing. It’s always a busy time for those of us immersed in the competitive and/or educational aspects of the horse world. I’m involved as an instructor, clinician, judge, and competitor.  I enjoy traveling to …

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ResqRanch – Evergreen, Colorado Animal Sanctuary Works to Educate, Inspire, and Transform Horse Training

Emblaze raced 51 times in her racing career and now enjoys the good life at The ResQRanch. All photos courtesy ResQRanch

Dr. Jena Questen is a veterinarian and professional animal trainer who’s passionate about helping animals of all kinds. As a veterinarian who combines traditional and holistic veterinary medicine, she also uses the science of animal behavior to improve the lives of horses, dogs, cats, and even pet fish. Her wish is …

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Matthew Livengood – Judge and Trainer Strives to Help and Support Horses and Their People

Photo from Matthew Livengood

Name: Matthew Livengood   What is the name of your business? Matthew Livengood Horsemanship   What do you do? I teach group and private lessons, conduct clinics, and do tune-up training for client horses. I’m also a nationally carded judge with the National Reining Horse Association, American Quarter Horse Association …

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Feeling Grateful – Winter’s Dark and Slower Pace Brings Time for Reflection

I’m always grateful for the friends of all kinds I find here at home at Blue Gate Farm. Photo by Kim Roe

When I first moved to the Pacific Northwest, I found the rapid descent into darkness in autumn quite depressing. I couldn’t believe how dark it was at 7:00 a.m. and then again at 5:00 p.m. The rain and grey skies didn’t help my mood much either. But over the decades …

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Training Transitions – This Vital Exercise Should be Part of Every Training Session

Extended trot results from many transitions from working trot to a extended and back again.

As a young and serious rider my teacher would often tell me, “You need to work on your transitions more.” I’d do as I was told, but I never really understood why. I didn’t find them easy or fun, and neither did my horse. Now I’m wearing the instructor’s hat, …

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Ask the Expert: Is there any scientific information regarding stress on horses during wartime?

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Q: Is there any scientific literature regarding the stress effects horses underwent during use in wartime, such as the Civil War? • Andre A: When one thinks about the trauma and suffering horses (as well as people, other livestock, and wildlife) endured during wars throughout the history of mankind it …

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