The Secret Lives of Horse Trailers Part 2

Wheel Bearings, Races, and Seals, OH MY! By Leigh Goodison Grieve   In the last article on horse trailer safety and maintenance we discussed tires and wheels. If the wheels of your trailer are the legs, then certainly the wheel bearings, spindles and axles are the heart—without them, you don’t …

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Granny’s Still Got It

A Look at Baby Boomers and their Equine Fascination By Allison Trimble   With the baby boomers starting to retire, a large portion of the non-pro performance horse competitors are between 55 and 65. Many of these people are new to the sport. Most had some horse experience as kids, possibly …

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Bring Back the Fun!


How To Keep Riding Challenging and Still Have Fun   by Mark Bolender “Am I doing this right?” is a phrase I hear often from students. It’s very natural (and important) to learn proper riding technique, but many people get bogged down by details and they forget the reason they …

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Tack for Cowhorse Competition

Northwest cowhorse competitor shares favorite pieces of tack for competition Photos and article by Karen Pickering   Tack won’t make a trainer anymore than clothing defines a man, but quality gear does make a difference. At the NWRCHA Show, April 14-17 in Lynden, WA, I had the opportunity to see …

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Learn to Listen 

Communication Is A Key To Unlock Success   by Mark Bolender Learning to listen is anything but easy. It is a science and a gift from God. With effort, we can all learn to be good listeners. If one learns to listen to his horse, the response given by the …

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Mastering Extreme Trail

Unity and Leadership Are The Keys   by Mark Bolender Watching a great trail horse pick its way through difficult obstacles is wondrous and beautiful. It looks so natural and graceful that it seems anyone can do it. This, anyway, is the image a great rider and horse try to …

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