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An Interview with Kerri Kent

Kerrits Founder Designs Clothes for All Women By Kim Roe from an interview by Karen Pickering     In the little town of Bingen, WA (population 712) you can find something truly remarkable: a successful equestrian apparel company that is the result of dreams, hard work, and a bit of …

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Easy on the Hooves: The Importance of Arena Footing

By Dustin Gruetter, President and Founder of DC Structures   Arena footing—seems easy enough, right? Decisions surrounding the footing you choose for your riding arena are a lot more complicated than you might think. Poor footing will subject your horse to increased risk of injury and long-term degenerative problems. Therefore, …

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Consider Your Options: To Shoe or Not

Handy Hoof Hints #1 By Carole Herder   History Lesson Horses were first shod with metal shoes 1500 years ago when they were captured for use in battle. The confined horse’s hoof was weakened by a fetid environment and lack of movement. Limited movement meant restricted blood circulation and significant …

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Make the Most of Manure

March 2018

Two Spreader Options Compared   One reality we all face on our horse properties is manure – and lots of it. We know we need to construct manure composting bins, but then what? How do we get the compost out to a field and spread thinly enough to do the …

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Reduce Your Farm’s Environmental Impact

March 2018

Tips for a Greener Barn and Farm by Dustin Gruetter   When it comes to your land and animals, perhaps you’ve wondered if there are things you can do to lighten your environmental footprint. With waste-management solutions, natural lighting and ventilation, and a host of energy-efficient upgrades on the market, …

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Is Saving for Retirement a Pipe Dream?

February 2018

Financial Planning for Equine Professionals by Jeff Kauffman, Investment Advisor   Are you a small business owner? Does the thought of not having enough for retirement someday scare you? It doesn’t have to! Three years ago, I married my wife, Heidi Snider, who has an equestrian facility in Woodinville, WA. …

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Apartment Barns

February 2018

Next Level Equestrian Living by Dustin Gruetter   Caring for horses is a labor of love, but the time and resource investment can be tiring. Whether it’s driving back and forth between your home and the place where your horses are stabled, or tending to equestrian facilities and a house …

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Buying Your Dream Horse

January 2018

9 Ways to Riefine Your Search by Kim Roe   The dream has become a reality. Lists have been made and double-checked. You’re spending hours looking at horse ads, emailing sellers, and viewing videos. You lie awake nights in anticipation of your new horse. But how do you know if …

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Learn on the Road

Combine Your Equine Education and Vacation by Kim Roe   There’s a hot trend in equine education and travel: combine them! Opportunities can be found worldwide, but some of the best training and adventure is in North America. Top instructors and clinicians are inviting students to come to them, and …

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Double Trouble in the Fall

Seasonal Risk Factors for Laminitis by Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.   Laminitis is inflammation of sensitive layers of tissue (laminae) inside the hoof in horses and other animals. Horses are more likely to suffer from laminitis in the fall than any other time of year. Two reasons – high NSC (non-structural carbohydrates) from …

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